CCI Tech Blog

CCI Tech Blog

CCI Tech has been serving the Gilroy area since 1991, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Say Goodbye to Skype (It’s Been Fun)

Say Goodbye to Skype (It’s Been Fun)

Skype, once a popular and beloved video chat platform, has reached the end of its rope (in a manner of speaking). Microsoft is discontinuing the 20-year-old communication application, instead focusing its efforts on Microsoft Teams. The last update to Skype will be on May 5, but that doesn’t change the impact Skype had on the development of modern communication tools.

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Is Your Business Stuck in the 20th Century? Here’s How to Successfully Modernize

Is Your Business Stuck in the 20th Century? Here’s How to Successfully Modernize

The modern business is more technologically driven than ever before, but there are some out there who haven’t embraced the benefits of technology and have alternatively chosen to stick with their more analog, tried and true methods. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss why technology is important and how to get started if your business is stuck in the 20th century.

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Here’s Your Strategy to Upgrade Away from Windows 10

Here’s Your Strategy to Upgrade Away from Windows 10

With the end-of-support date for Windows 10 looming later this year–October 14, 2025–you need to take action now so you don’t find yourself in a difficult situation. We have some tips for you as you make this transition, so we encourage you to use them to upgrade as quickly as possible ahead of the end-of-support date.

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How to Carry Out a Technology Needs Assessment

How to Carry Out a Technology Needs Assessment

Business technology can sometimes seem like a hedonic treadmill: you maintain a baseline level of operation with your IT, but it will inevitably fail, leaving you in the tough situation of having to replace it. Today, we want to help you get ahead of the curve a bit with a technology needs assessment. We’ll discuss the benefits of a needs assessment, as well as what it focuses on both now and in the future.

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Planning Your Tech Spending for the New Year

Planning Your Tech Spending for the New Year

A new year is a great chance to look at what your business is doing well and where it can get better. Your technology is one area where there’s usually room for improvement. If you’re thinking about adding new tech this year, here are four questions to help make it a success.

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CCI Tech
7500 Arroyo Circle Suite 110
Gilroy, California 95020

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Holidays