CCI Tech Blog

CCI Tech Blog

CCI Tech has been serving the Gilroy area since 1991, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Say Goodbye to Skype (It’s Been Fun)

Say Goodbye to Skype (It’s Been Fun)

Skype, once a popular and beloved video chat platform, has reached the end of its rope (in a manner of speaking). Microsoft is discontinuing the 20-year-old communication application, instead focusing its efforts on Microsoft Teams. The last update to Skype will be on May 5, but that doesn’t change the impact Skype had on the development of modern communication tools.

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Cloud-Hosted Communications Can Have a Big Impact

Cloud-Hosted Communications Can Have a Big Impact

Communications are an important part of any business’ offering. This can be as simple as having a phone line to as complex as to need integration of multitude of different tools designed to push your business forward.

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CCI Tech
7500 Arroyo Circle Suite 110
Gilroy, California 95020

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Holidays